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2022 / 2023

Storm Lake

November 2, 2022

Jerry Risius and Beth Levison


Find your news — and show your support by subscribing or donating.
Connect with local newspapers in your area and show your support with a donation or subscription. Find Your News, a tool from the Institute for Nonprofit News, connects you with local nonprofit newspapers — and now through the end of the year, donations to these papers will be doubled through the collaborative fundraising movement NewsMatch. Las noticias de la gente para la gente no pueden sobrevivir sin su ayuda.

Learn about bipartisan legislative efforts to secure local news. 
Learn about the bipartisan effort happening right now in Congress to support local news. Rebuild Local News is a coalition of 3000+ newsrooms, including weekly community newspapers, citywide nonprofit websites, ethnic publications, centers for state watchdog journalism, digital-first news sites, rural papers, public radio stations, and family-owned newspapers.

Do you live in a news desert? Find out and find out why.
Do you live in a news desert? What is the quality of news in your area? Use this interactive tool to find out and explore the 2020 report News Deserts and Ghost Newspapers.

Without quality local journalism, studies have shown that we are collectively less informed, less engaged and more corrupt – and local news faces an existential crisis. As the United States grapples with voter suppression and political polarization, one in four newspapers has shuttered in the last 15 years.

Here are the links for our local newspapers. We encourage you to support them by signing up for a paper or online subscription or buying merchandise.

Eugene Weekly: Subscribe/Support

The Chronicle: Subscribe

Eugene Register Guard: Subscribe