Raise your awareness
Prior Screenings
Season 2
2014 / 2015
May 7, 2015
Daniel Miller
On May 4th, 1970, thirteen young Americans were shot down by the National Guard in a shocking act of violence against unarmed students. This sparked the largest student strikes and student protests in history.
April 2, 2015
Kirsten Kelly,
Anne de Mare
Three homeless teenagers brave the Chicago winters, the pressures of high school, and life on the streets to build a brighter future.
March 5, 2015
John Wellington Ennis
Filmmaker John Ennis follows the money in elections to piece together the cycle of pay-to-play politics.
Feb. 5, 2015
Jean-Philippe Tremblay
Examines the new media monopoly by corporations in America versus the public battle for truth and democracy.
Jan. 8, 2015
Linda Booker,
Blaire Johnson
Filmmakers question why hemp, a crop with many widespread benefits, cannot be grown in America.
Dec. 4, 2014
Martin Doblmeier
Filmmakers question why hemp, a crop with many widespread benefits, cannot be grown in America.
Nov. 6, 2014
Andrew Mwangi
Immigration ‘the unpardonable sin’ is a full feature documentary film conceived in order to explore current issues in the United States immigration process both from a personal awareness and community wide experience.
Oct. 2, 2014
Jeremy Seifert
A father examines the relationship between genetically modified food and his three young children.
Sept. 4, 2014
Delaney Ruston
Filmmaker Delaney Ruston documents global mental health efforts.